You are invited to a Zoom meeting for the Kanuga Youth Week this summer. If your parish is interested, please send two adults or a paid person from the parish. If you are a family wishing to attend without parish engagement, please be present for this update session with Aimee Bostwick and other leadership from Kanuga Youth Week.
Topic: KANUGA Youth Week 2025 Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 11, 2025 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 058789
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Please hold the Youth Mission Trip to the Keys in your prayers March 7th - 9th.
~ Krisan
Krisan Lamberti
Youth Coordinator
555 NE 15 Street, Suite 934B, Miami, FL 33132
"to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ." ~ Ephesians 4:12
Youth in grades 6th - 12th with their chaperones are invited to join other young people for a local weekend mission event to our own Florida Keys! We shall travel down from our respective parishes on March 7th with a goal to meet up at 7:30 pm in Florida City, then caravan down to St. Columba’s. Service, fellowship, plus a Keys cultural experience all in one weekend! Join us on Mission!
When: March 7th - 9th, 2025
Where: St. Columba's Episcopal Church, Marathon
Why: To serve God and the local community in that location, meet new folks of faith, and renew yourself in the process.
Cost: $60 per youth